
Integrated Cardiometabolic Medicine for Bioengineers

POSTDOC Application Form UCLA-Caltech iCMB Training Program

Integrated Theronastic Engineering to Advance Metabolic Systems

(2022) POSTDOC Application Form UCLA-Caltech iTEAM Training Program

NIBIB Resources

NIBIB Diversity Initiatives and Funding Opportunities: Slides (November 14th, 2023) 

T32 Program Directors Meeting: Slides (November 14th, 2023)

Training Courses

MIMG C234 – RCR/Ethics (Spring 2023, in-person): RCR Training Information

Virtual Research Mentor Training Refresher Course:Faculty_Mentor_Training

The objective of the workshop is to enrich current mentoring practices by providing faculty with evidence-based approaches to research mentoring while offering a forum in which to solve dilemmas. This training comes from the Center For the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) and the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). It is recognized by NIH and NSF for grant applications as evidence of a commitment to trainee mentoring, including trainees from diverse backgrounds.

Date: May 12, 2023: 1 pm-4 pm (virtual). Participants must be able to attend the entire session.

Registration Information (By May 8th):

Training on Open Science Practices for AHA  (Provided by Center for Open Science (COS)): 

The 90-minute workshop will help researchers answer critical questions about how to make the research that they are sharing more open and more impactful:

1. What is reproducibility and what are the current issues and barriers?
2. What actions in daily research throughout the research lifecycle can be adapted to be more reproducible?
3. How will making my research reproducible help science and my career?
4. How will data management increase transparency in my research workflow?
5. What are tools that can streamline the open and transparent practices in my research workflow?
6. How can I make my research open, share it with other researchers in my field or beyond and receive credit for my work?

Resources from the workshop: The presentation slides & Notes from the meeting & The Data Management Sharing (DMS) Plan Templates provided by NIH

BIOENGR 180L – System Integration in Biology, Engineering, and Medicine I Laboratory (Spring 2023)

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 993 9864 9039

Please see syllabus for more details.

Programs from Previous Events

2024 Symposium at UCLA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023 Symposium at Caltech
2023 Symposium at UCLA
2022 Symposium at Caltech
2021 Symposium at UCLA